River Levels
River Levels

Current and Recent Flood Alerts and Warnings

There are 4 active Flood Alerts. Check your area and be prepared!

Flood warning and alert data most recently retrieved at 1:40am, Sunday 9th March

Most recent warning or alert status change was at 11:10am, Saturday 8th March

View map of current alerts and warnings

You can get flood warnings and alerts in your timeline by following us on Twitter and Facebook.

Flood Alert

Flood Warning

Severe Flood Warning

About these symbols

Current Flood Alerts

Recently removed alerts and warnings

RiverLevels.uk is an independent website. It is not associated with the Environment Agency or any other supplier of river level information. All data used on this site is supplied under licence. For queries about the data, please contact the underlying supplier.

RiverLevels.uk is a Good Stuff website.